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Maundy Thursday

The Gospels talk about two important parts of Christianity.

  1. Christian service

  2. Holy Communion

Christian service does involve private prayer and public worship but also what our Lord Jesus calls us to do. #dwjwd (Do What Jesus What-have Done). Jesus calls us to love God more than our own life - this is a hard task. He calls us to a life of humble service.

Holy Communion is meeting with your fellow Christians and sharing bread and wine.

John 13:1-17, 1 Cor 11:23-26 By receiving the bread and wine we are strengthened. These are symbols of Jesus' body and blood shed for us. How-ever they work for we can not know, communion does strengthen us.

We need public service so that we can make a difference outside, but our journey is to weave the two aspects of service together; private prayer and public service.

We need present day role models who do this well and the Queen is a shining example of someone who has led a life of private pratice and public worship.

Jesus is our Lord. Amen

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