Dear God,
We pray for your Spirit to lead us at this meeting of our New Hope group. We ask that you will guide our discussions and help us to understand your word. Let your gifts flow freely through us, so that you would be honoured by our lives, and others would be drawn to you.

The New Hope Group
H.O.P.E stands for
H=sources of Hope, meaning, comfort, strength, peace, love and connection
O =opportunities for spiritual growth
P=the role that prayer has in our lives
E=exploring the effect that all the above has on us
There is a meeting of New Hope every week on;
Wednesday (first and third Wednesdays of the month)
Thursday (second and fourth Thursdays) and you are welcome to any or all of them.
The Wednesday meetings facilitated by Elizabeth Bailey start with a broad discussion topic or theme and we look to the Bible to find support and guidance. Examples of recent discussion topics include ‘how can we be happy?’, ‘where is God when bad things happen?’
The Thursday meetings facilitated by Julia Laing start with a Bible reading and we explore what it means and how it applies to our lives.
New Hope is not a course so it doesn’t matter if you’ve not been before or missed a week or two. Our New Hope meetings give us all a fantastic opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth and we do hope you will join in.
We meet in the vestry 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start ending no later than 9pm.
You can contact Elizabeth (eabailey@blueyonder.co.uk)
or Julia (Juls.laing@gmail.com) for more information.