Online – 10.30am Sunday Services are recorded and from later that day can be found by searching for “ChristChurch Preston” on YouTube
Weekly emails are sent out and (for those not online) letters are delivered each month - see also the Church Magazine section below.
Worship & Events in August + September
Sunday 18th August
8am Early said Holy Communion Service
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[NO . . Junior Church - school holidays]
Thursday 22nd August
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
Sunday 25th August
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[NO . . Junior Church - school holidays]
Thursday 29th August
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - starting again next week
Worship & Events in September
Sunday 1st September
8am Early said Holy Communion Service
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[NO . . Junior Church - school holidays]
7.30pm Prayer for Growth -
a week earlier than the usual pattern so it does not clash with the Radio 2 'Party in the Park' taking place on Moor Park the following weekend
Thursday 5th September
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 6th September
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
10.30am Cake & Company in Hall (to 12.30pm)
[Cake and Company is a drop in serving drinks and cakes for anyone who wishes to come. A short quiz and games are available and piano music played in the background. Come to join in or just chat. All welcome.]
Saturday 7th September
10.30am MacMillan Coffee Morning in Hall
Annual fundraiser for MacMillan Cancer Care
Sunday 8th September
8am Early said Holy Communion Service
10.30am All age Café Church in the Hall
Thursday 12th September
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 13th September
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 15th September
Back to Church Sunday
8.00am Early said Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[Junior Church: gather in Church, then to Hall]
Thursday 19th September
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 20th September
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Saturday 20th September
6.30pm for 7pm Quiz night & Hot Pot supper (BYOB)
Sunday 22nd September
8.00am Early said Holy Communion
10.00am Messy Church in the Hall
10.30am Service of the Word in Church
(10am Junior Church - at Messy Church)
7pm Over to you - at the back of church
Over to you is a group that gathers for an hour over
a cuppa to discuss the Christian perspective on any topic. All welcome.
Thursday 26th September
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 27th September
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 29th September
8.00am Early Said Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[Junior Church: gather in Church, then to Hall]
Worship & Events in October
Thursday 3rd October
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 4th October
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 6th October
8am Early said Holy Communion Service
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[Junior Church: gather in Church, then to Hall]
Monday 7th October 7.30pm in Church
Our next run of the Bereavement Journey Course
will begin on the 7th October in Church. If you know anyone who might be interested do let them know. More publicity will follow nearer the time.
Thursday 10th October
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm - CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 11th October
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
6.30pm Harvest Supper & Talent Show in the Hall
Sunday 13th October
8.00am Early said Holy Communion
10.30am All Age Service of the Word, in Church
Monday 14th October
7.30pm in Church - Bereavement Journey Course
Thursday 17th October
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm - CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 18th October
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 20th October
8.00am Early said Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[Junior Church: gather in Church, then to Hall]
Monday 21st October
7.30pm in Church - Bereavement Journey Course
Thursday 24th October
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 25th October
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 27th October
8.00am Early said Holy Communion
10.00am Messy Church in the Hall
10.30am Service of the Word in Church
(10am Junior Church - at Messy Church)
7pm Over to you - at the back of church
Meet for an hour over a cuppa to discuss the Christian perspective on any topic. All welcome.
Monday 27th October
7.30pm in Church - Bereavement Journey Course
Thursday 31st October
10.30am Holy Communion, Traditional Language
2pm: CRAFTERS - in the Vestry - all welcome
Friday 1st November
9am - Friday Morning Prayer Service in Vestry
Sunday 3rd November
8.00am Early Said Holy Communion
10.30am Holy Communion Service in Church
[Junior Church: gather in Church, then to Hall]
Coming up - book the dates: (see poster at side)
Watch recent online services, as well as exploring all the content to help your faith grow on our YOUTUBE channel.
and search for
christchurch, preston
YouTube channel
"Thank you for visiting
Christ Church online"
We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available.
Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour.
Our Vicar Rev Chris Boland is available on email or on the phone 01772 715202
Rev Chris Boland
Messy Church
(4th Sunday each Month) at 10am
Messy Church has changed its timing. We are having Messy Church on a monthly basis in the mornings in place of Junior Church. Messy Church will start at 10.00am in the hall and be for anyone who wants a craft based worship, but particularly applicable for families to do together. It will finish at 11.30am when refreshments will be served.
In the church building there will be worship as normal. Most (Messy Church) Sundays it will be a shorted Service of the Word but planned with adults in mind. This service will also finish about 11.30am with the aim of joining the families in the hall for refreshments.
Christingle Service 14 Jan '24
with thanks to Ann and friends who made the Christingles
Photos: if you'd like a copy of a photo, please just contact Ken
SUN 8.00am - Holy Communion
SUN 10.30am -1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays
Holy Communion & refreshments,
Junior Church & Pathfinders for children.
SUN 10.30am – 2nd Sundays
Friends & Family - All Age Service
THUR 10.30am Holy Communion (Tradition wording)
CRAFTERS - Thursdays 2pm - 4pm in Vestry, except on Crossway days. Meet to create many craft items, chat and exchange ideas.
Cake and Company Café every third Friday, 10.30am-12noon in the Church Hall. All are very welcome – we have good company, home made bakes, live music, a quiz and other activities to challenge the mind!
Abigail Ainsworth
our Musical Director
Worship Music
Join our growing ensemble of singers & musicians, people who enjoy worshipping. We sing at Morning Services with rehearsals on alternate Wednesday evenings.
Cherry Blossom at Church - April '23
Junior Church - July '23
Christ Church magazine paused during Covid and since then the church has agreed to communicate differently.
It's been replaced by weekly emails and (for those not online) monthly letters.
Contact Chris our Vicar to be added to the Church email contact list
Tel: 01772 715202
We have also kept copies of the magazine on the website from previous years for you to explore. Please follow the link.
The Advent letter from Chris about our church and faith.
Pathfinders meet each week (either via Zoom or in a small group when there is no lockdown) - We share thoughts and try to explore the gospel for today.
We have a fun but thoughtful Junior church for the children in term time which is led by our wonderful volunteers. For teenagers we also have pathfinders which makes the Gospel relevant to their life.
Our church has many historic features and you are welcome to explore and reflect as you visit our church. Why not visit our historic website to learn more.
Find Us
Christ Church, Victoria Road, Fulwood, Preston. PR2 8NE